Assignment 1: Environment Reflection

Assignments, Creative Arts 1.3 Creative Arts Dimensions, Creative Arts BA (Hons), Research and Reflection

I would like to experiment with more formal reflective practices for this unit.

Previously, I have studied with the SMI, and so am going to use one of their resources as a guide (

What tasks have I completed for this project?

How Were They Completed?

Skills used:

  • Poetry writing
  • Canva graphics
  • Research – OU library
  • Responding to feedback
  • Observation
  • Critical reading
  • Animation
  • Sound recording
  • Interactive HTML

Several of these skills build upon my existing expertise, notably HTML, a tool I regularly utilise in my professional capacity. Integrating this technical proficiency into a creative domain has been an enlightening venture. Likewise, my venture into Canva, hitherto used in more conventional contexts, revealed its vast capabilities for artistic endeavours, particularly in the nuanced application of colour.

Engaging with the OU library introduced me to new research methodologies, enhancing my ability to effectively use the Harvard referencing system to source material.

Additionally, this project encouraged me to deepen my engagement with the OCA community. By participating more actively in group sessions and the Google Workspaces chat than ever before, I gained access to invaluable advice on artists relevant to my project and constructive feedback to refine my work. This collaborative experience has not only broadened my network but also significantly enriched my creative and academic pursuits.

What Did I Achieve?

I believe I successfully met the primary objective of this introductory project: to begin interacting with the environment in a creatively engaging manner. This was achieved through a diverse range of creative outputs, which allowed me the freedom to explore and experiment. Despite facing challenges with time management in earlier modules, 1.1 and 1.2, I managed to adhere to a schedule for this unit. However, I recognise that the timely completion of my written work remains an area requiring further improvement. Additionally, this project presented an opportunity to connect my work with personal passions, including sustainability and involvement with local environmental networks.

Could I Have Achieved A Better Outcome?

I am satisfied with the quality of work I have produced, yet I find myself disappointed by the extended duration it took to complete this initial project. This experience has highlighted the importance of adhering to a more structured and consistent work routine to meet my scheduling commitments. It is imperative that I devise a study schedule tailored to my personal and professional obligations, ensuring it is both practical and sustainable for my lifestyle. This revised approach will enable me to enhance efficiency and achieve a more balanced allocation of time across my projects.

What Would I Do Differently In This Scenario?

  1. Routine Evaluation: Regularly assess my current study habits and work processes. Identify what is working well and what isn’t, adjusting your approach accordingly to enhance productivity.
  2. Structured Schedule: Create a detailed study schedule that allocates specific times for work, breaks, and leisure. Use my Google calendar to track your commitments and deadlines, ensuring your schedule is both visible and manageable.
  3. Prioritisation Techniques: Implement prioritisation strategies such as the Eisenhower Matrix, which helps distinguish between tasks that are urgent, important, both, or neither. This can guide me in focusing on what truly matters each day.
  4. Set Realistic Goals: Break down larger projects into smaller, achievable tasks. Setting daily or weekly goals can make a project feel more manageable and provide a sense of accomplishment as I complete each part.
  5. Time Management Tools: Explore and utilise time management apps and tools such as Pomodoro timers.
  6. Flexibility in Planning: While maintaining a schedule is crucial, allow for some flexibility. Life can be unpredictable, and being too rigid can lead to frustration. Adjust my plans as needed to accommodate unforeseen circumstances.
  7. Regular Breaks: Incorporate short breaks into the study schedule to prevent burnout. Techniques such as the Pomodoro Technique advocate for breaks to maintain focus and productivity over longer periods.
  8. Reflective Practice: Keep a reflective journal detailing what strategies worked, what didn’t, and why.
  9. Limit Distractions: Identify and minimise potential distractions during study or work time. This might involve setting boundaries with others, using apps that limit your use of social media, or creating a dedicated workspace.

Any Skills I Should Be Developing?

  1. Time management
  2. Project management
  3. Adaptability
  4. Reflective practice
  5. Self-discipline
  6. Using feedback

Actions To Take

  • Set up project schedule on Google calendar
  • Plot in dedicated study time in my weekly schedule
  • Set up a Pomodoro timer on my computer
  • Explore different animation techniques

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