1.3 Reflections on Assignment Feedback

Assignments, Creative Arts 1.3 Creative Arts Dimensions, Creative Arts BA (Hons), Research and Reflection

Project 1

Reflecting on the recent tutorial on the 27th of March concerning my inaugural project, I was heartened to receive predominantly affirmative feedback. The commendations were multifaceted, encompassing my learning log’s coherent layout and navigability, adept application of Harvard referencing alongside diligent library research, and a nuanced exploration of how landscape vistas can positively impact hospital patients. Particularly noted was my examination centred around a singular daffodil, seamlessly intertwined with my creative use of poetry, music, and colour, crafting a rich, multi-dimensional narrative.

However, constructive action points were also highlighted, offering a roadmap for improvement in subsequent projects. These included the ongoing reflection on the received feedback to enrich my learning journey, heightened vigilance against typographical errors in my final submissions, and a suggestion to distance myself from the digital realm to foster a more experimental and creative approach in my work.

I am, without a doubt, buoyed by the feedback received, recognising it as a cornerstone upon which to build and refine my work for the forthcoming projects numbered two through ten. A recurrent theme in my creative endeavours has been a pronounced reliance on digital mediums, which I am cognisant of and keen to address. With an eye towards Project 1.3, I aspire to weave more tangible, physical elements into my artistic tapestry. This is not to say I intend to completely abandon the digital aspect of my work. On the contrary, the integration of technical and digital facets remains a hallmark of my creative identity. Nevertheless, the prospect of diversifying my methods to include more hands-on activities such as photography, sculpture, and bookmaking excites me. The chosen skills hubs promise to be fertile ground for this exploration, presenting opportunities to engage more directly with the materiality of my artistic pursuits.

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